Saturday, February 1, 2014


Cabbage rolls are a great and complete meal just as they are, but they are also nice with a little sauce on the side to add some zest. Here are three sauces. Two are a bit time consuming, but in my opinion worth it, and should be made while the rolls are cooking in the slow cooker. Of course any of these sauces could be used on what ever you want.

Roasted Pepper Medley sauce.
§        2 large red peppers
§        2 fresh yellow banana peppers
§        1 green fresh large Poblano pepper
§        1 large red fresh chili pepper
§        2 tsp lemon or lime juice
§        salt and black pepper to taste
§        ½ tsp cinnamon
§        brown sugar to taste
§        1 tbsp tomato paste
§        possibly water for thinning

     Preheat your oven to 400 degrees, and place the rack in the top portion of the oven. Cut all your peppers long ways in half, and remove the stems and seeds. Cover a large cookie sheet or two with foil then spray well with cooking spray. Cut the peppers more just enough to get flat slices that will lay down in on the sheet. Lay them out skin side up and spray them all well with cooking spray. Salt and pepper them just a bit. Roast in a 400 degree oven for about 7-8 minutes then start to check often like every two minutes or so until they start to darken and turn dark brown and form some blisters on the skin. You can also do this step with the broiler but you better be prepared to stand there and check every 30 seconds. As soon as they are done remove them from the hot oven and let them cool. Once they are cooled carefully remove the blistered skins leaving the roasted pulpy flesh. Scrape all the roasted flesh into a food processor, and pulse just once or twice. Add your lime juice and a little salt and pepper, plus the cinnamon and pulse a few more times. Add the tomato paste and blend well. You may need to add water if the sauce is too thick but just add a tiny bit, like a tbsp-ful at a time. Adjust the final sauce to your liking with brown sugar added a little at a time and salt added in between until you get the taste you want. It is usually slightly tart but with a rich dark taste.

Seasoned Tomato and Sour Cream sauce
§        4 cups of tomato juice
§        the following herbs fresh if you can get them, if not dried will do: 1 tbsp chopped oregano, 1 tbsp chopped sage, 1 tsp chopped rosemary 1 tsp chopped mint
§        2 tsp dried paprika
§        2 tsp salt
§        2 tsp black pepper
§        2 tsp garlic powder
§        1 tbsp finely chopped onion
§        1 tsp lemon juice
§        1 tbsp sugar
§        2 tbsp sour cream.

  Combine all the ingredients except the sour cream in a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook stirring occasionally for about an hour or more until it is reduced and thickened. It should be reduced by a little more than half so you have not quite two cups of sauce left. Add the sour cream and whip into the sauce with a wire whisk until well blended.

Tangy Golden sauce
§        4 pats  (tbsp) butter
§        2 tbsp flour
§        2 tsp garlic powder
§        2 tsp crushed caraway seeds
§        about 2 cups of milk
§        2 tbsp prepared mustard
§        salt and pepper to taste

    Melt the butter in a sauce pan and add the garlic and caraway seeds, stir briefly and let them cook for about one minute on a medium heat. Add the flour and blend with a whisk. Add the milk a small amount at a time blending as it thickens. You want a nice even white sauce not too thick so adjust your milk more or less to get this. When it’s done add the mustard and blend in well.  Adjust the tastes by adding your salt and pepper. You want the sauce to coat a spoon but still be able to pour.

 ENJOY IT ALL  and  Blessings mes amis

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